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Welcome to Greenleys Junior School


Curriculum Mission and Aims

Our mission is ‘Learning for Life’. We believe that every child in our school will be taught the necessary skills to progress from Greenleys Junior School, to any secondary school, equipped with the skills they need to succeed as lifelong learners.

The school develops its children as ‘G.I.V.E.R.S.’. This acronym comes from the curriculum aims:
Global citizens, Independent, confident learners, Vocabulary immersed, Experience rich, Respectful & well-equipped for being part of their community, Secondary ready.

Through thoughtful curriculum planning we aim to raise standards and increase rates of progress. Primary education is not only about targets and results in league tables (it is much more than that): we believe that by developing and embedding skills and knowledge in a stimulating, enjoyable environment, we help children develop as individuals.

We want children to have a memorable experience at Greenleys Junior School. We aim to encourage and inspire them to achieve in life and to aim to exceed their potential. We develop the attitude of wanting to learn as well as needing to learn, not just for their junior career, but for life.