If your child is unwell and unable to attend school you must contact the school by 9.00am each morning of their absence. For child safety reasons we run a ‘First Day Calling’ system whereby we contact all parents/carers of children who are absent from school to ascertain the reason for their absence. If you contact the school first thing (01908 312551) in the morning to let us know about your child’s absence this will prevent any unnecessary phone calls home.
Medical Appointments
Parents and carers are requested to make medical appointments for their child outside the hours of the school day in order to maintain high attendance. Where this is not possible, parents should contact the school office as soon as the appointment has been made to confirm the time at which they wish to collect their child. Where medical appointments for children are made in advance, parents should send in an official medical letter/card from the doctor, dentist or hospital to confirm the appointment. If a letter/card is not available before the appointment then one must be collected at the appointment and be produced on return to the school.
All children must be collected from school by an adult; if this is going to be someone who is not registered with us as one of your emergency contacts, we must have confirmation from the parent/carer of the name of the person collecting the child before we can let them leave school. We will request to see appointment cards.